
Monday, October 22, 2012

Jackson J.

Beautiful Quotations

Book 2 Chapter 12 Page 212
"He tightened his hold in time to prevent her sinking on the floor, but she cried out in a terrible voice, 'I shall die if you hold me! Let me fall upon the ground!' And he laid her down there, and saw the pride of his heart and the triumph of his system, lying, an insensible heap, at his feet."

Book 2 Chapter 10 Page 195-196
"It became the business of Mrs Sparsit's life, to look up at her staircase, and to watch Louisa coming down. Sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, sometimes several steps at one bout, sometimes stopping, never turning back. If she had once turned back, it might have been the death of Mrs Sparsit in spleen and grief."

Book 3 Chapter 1 Page 216-217
"He said it earnestly, and to do him justice he had. In gauging fathomless deeps with his little mean excise-rod, and in staggering over the universe with his rusty stiff-legged compasses, he had meant to do great things. Within the limits of his short tether he had tumbled about, annihilating the flowers of existence with greater singleness of purpose than many of the blatant personages whose company he kept."

1 comment:

  1. I like the second beautiful quotation you have listed. Dickens reveals a lot about Mrs. Sparsit's character through the metaphor of the staircase. He is showing the criticisms of Louisa through Mrs. Sparsit as she condemns Louisa for "falling down the stairs".
